Kids united

Smiling young boy sitting on a bench

Kids United is a regular group that offers help, support and guidance to children aged 8 to 12 years who live within a fostering household.

It is a chance for them to share their own experiences and to have lots of fun.

Children’s social care workers plan activities and the group play games and cook dinner together. Children can talk to workers and other children who are fostered.

Some of the support activities provided include:

  • welcoming foster children into your home
  • sharing
  • coping with challenges
  • managing your feelings around fostering

The group also meet up in the school holidays to share activities like bowling, trampolining, ice skating, jungle park activities and meals out.

The children are encouraged to share their ideas for activities, and these are accommodated wherever possible.

Sometimes Kids united join together to do activities with the older group, Inspiring youths.

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Contact the team to tell us you're interested. It's just a chat to start with.

Call: 07917 503447

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