Foster carer and connected carer training
We recognise that fostering presents a unique challenge and we appreciate the skills that you bring. We create an evolving learning environment in order to build on your existing skills.
We offer a comprehensive training programme, with therapeutic and restorative parenting being the core principles. Our training supports, advises and educates foster carers to help understand and improve relationships with the children they care for.
We pride ourselves in the variety of training that we offer, to ensure you are able to upskill and grow in your role as a foster carer.
All of the classroom training is available to you within the Swindon area, with many more additional e-learning course easily accessible via your smart phone, tablet or laptop.
Our training is free and tailored to fit around your lifestyle to ensure we are supporting you in everyway possible.
Foster carers feed back that training provides opportunities to connect with other carers and develop their supportive network by sharing their experiences.
Our dedicated training officer is on hand to support you in your growth as a foster carer.
This training covers a range of introductory and specialist training delivered by internal and external providers. Our training officer and supervising social worker will support you to identify and access appropriate training and learning opportunities throughout your fostering journey.
Since transferring from another provider we have been so impressed and excited about the diversity SBC has to offer with there training program. Every month there is such a variety of topics, some which have not been available to us before. For example the adoption process, support for unaccompanied asylum seekers and Enuresis to name but a few.
We feel confident moving forward there will be plenty of training available which will help us best support the young people we look after."
- Ana and Steve, foster carers
Contact us
Contact the team to tell us you're interested. It's just a chat to start with.
Call: 07917 503447