Schools and education

Apply for special educational needs travel assistance

How to meet application criteria and apply online via the Local Offer site

Educate your child at home

Support for those choosing elective home education

Fair access protocol for parents

Support for placing 'unplaced' children in a suitable school

Further and higher education

A list of organisations offering options for over 16s

Holiday activities and food programme

Programme providing healthy food and activities during the holidays

How to become a school governor

Register your interest in supporting a local school

Parent governor representatives

Details about governors who have been elected to attend educational committees

Parental support complaints procedure

How to raise concerns about a school or make a complaint

Plas Pencelli Education Centre

Find out about the outdoor education centre offering courses and school activities

Special provision in mainstream schools

Access to information for parents and teachers

Swindon virtual school

Support in attendance and attainment of children in care

Unscheduled school closures

Who to contact during unforeseen school closures

Your options at 16

Guidance for moving on after GCSEs