Getting help with self-harm

First steps for getting help

Children, young people and families that are experiencing mild or temporary difficulties or are adjusting to life circumstances where getting and acting on advice hasn’t helped to resolve their difficulties or where their difficulties have got worse may benefit from short term evidence based treatments from health services.

Local resources

National resources

Self Injury Support have a multi-channel support service for women and girls affected by self-injury, trauma and abuse. Support is available every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7pm to 9.30pm via text, webchat, email or phone.

Self Injury Support have a self-harm information and navigation service open to anyone over 18 affected by self-harm including those who self-harm, friends and family and people who work with people who self-harm to help you find reliable information resources and support.

They also provide information and advice on self-harm.

Alumina is a free, online 7 week course for young people struggling with self-harm. Each course has up to 8 young people, all accessing the sessions from their own phones, tablets or laptops across the UK. The courses take place on different evenings of the week and are run by friendly, trained counsellors and volunteer youth workers. You don’t need an adult to refer you or sign you up, and no-one will see or hear you during the sessions – you’ll just join in via the chat box. Each session (approx. 45-60mins) is based around a different topic and participants can leave at any point.

Changing Faces offer a tailored skin camouflage service using creams and powders to reduce the appearance of a mark, scar or skin condition. They a service to meet with specialist skin camouflage practitioners at clinics across England. They also provide information and advice. 

Next steps for getting help

Children, young people and families that are experiencing chronic or severe difficulties that would benefit from extensive long-term evidence-based treatment, including outpatient and inpatient care.

Children, young people and families that haven’t benefited from short term interventions or have been ‘getting help’ but their difficulties have got worse.

You may also find the information and advice on specific mental health issues or how to look after your mental health and well-being helpful.

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