Swindon core standards for SEND
Our core standards outline the expected provision in education settings for children and young people with SEND.
The provision covers:
- the initial identification of possible barriers to a child or young person’s learning
- what provision should be available as part of the universal offer (what is available to every child and young person through Quality First Teaching)
- identification of SEND
- what provision should be available at SEN Support
- the assess, plan, do, review approach to meeting need
- evidencing the assess, plan, do, review approach and the graduated response to SEND
The core standards document is available as a downloadable PDF comprising six sections:
- What are the core standards?
- The graduated approach
- The areas of need
- How to use the core standards for Early Years– Graduated approach flow diagram
- How to use the materials in the core standards for primary and secondary
- How to use the materials in the core standards for post-16