Monitoring and evidence base

Evidence base

The Local Planning Policy has to be based on a thorough understanding of local needs, opportunities and limitations. In order to do this we need to collate and maintain as much relevant information as possible; this is known as an evidence base.

It is an ongoing piece of work that will be continually updated as new information becomes available.

The Evidence Base consists of a range of documents that set the planning policy context, and studies which analyse the demographic, economic, social and environmental factors, that are used to support and justify policy formulation.

Joint evidence

Assessments of need for homes and jobs (2016 to 2036)

In 2017, Swindon Borough and Wiltshire Councils commissioned two independent studies. This was to provide projections for new homes and jobs to 2036 in order to inform the review of their respective local plans. These are detailed below:

Swindon and Wiltshire Functional Economic Market Area Assessment (FEMA) and all associated appendices and maps are located in the FEMA document download.

Since the publication of the 2017 SHMA report, there have been changes to government policy and new data has also been published. In 2018, the government revised the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG).

The update identified that a new standard methodology for calculating local housing needs should be used. This forms the basis for all new local plans, other than in exceptional circumstances.

The 2017 SHMA does not align with the new PPG methodology and is based on 2012 based household and population projections. However, analysis within the SHMA will continue to provide useful evidence as much of the data relates to structural trends (such as an ageing population) which are likely to continue.

An updated Local Housing Needs Assessment has been produced. This is in line with revised national policy and is available to view on our consultation portal.

Swindon Retail and Leisure Needs Assessment 2017

The assessment provides a qualitative analysis of the existing retail and leisure facilities within the Borough.

This includes identification of the role of each centre, catchment areas and the relationship between the centres. It also provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the need for new retail facilities and the need for leisure and other main town centre uses.

Swindon Borough Open Space Audit and Assessment 2014

The audit and assessment provides a comprehensive information on all recreational open space within the Borough and is used to support the implementation of policies and standards detailed in the adopted Swindon Borough Local Plan 2026.

Swindon Borough Playing Pitch Strategy 2016-2021

The Playing Pitch Strategy guides future provision and management of existing and new sports pitches in Swindon Borough in the context of national policy and local sports development criteria.

Swindon Borough Playing Pitch Strategy 2016-2021 - Supplementary Technical Projection of Demand to 2026

The Supplementary Technical Projection of Demand to 2026 informs and supports the implementation of the adopted Playing Pitch Strategy 2016-2021. It is based on the assessment report produced for the 2016-2021 strategy.

Much of this remains the same, given that the assessment is based on the same current supply and demand data collected for the 2016-2021 strategy. 

The new data and information in the report relates mainly to the future demand, and needs arising from the additional demand data, which projects need and demand forward from the strategy period to 2026.

Please note: Appendices 1-4 and 7-9 are the same as the PPS 2016-2021 appendices above.

Swindon Borough Green Infrastructure Strategy 2010-2026

The strategy prioritises the planning, development and investment in green infrastructure in Swindon to 2020

Swindon Employment Land Review 2017

The Employment Land Review provides an up-to-date, accurate and robust assessment of the quantity and quality of existing employment land in the Borough and considers the extent to which this land can meet projected employment land requirements over the period to 2036.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1

The Level 1 SFRA collates and analyses the most up to date readily available flood risk information for all sources of flooding. This provides an overview of flood risk issues across the Borough. It will be used to inform the preparation and examination of the emerging Local Plan Review. It replaces the previous Level 1 SFRA produced in 2008. 

Level 1 document, appendices and maps

The SFRA Level 1 document and associated appendices and maps are located in the SFRA document download.

Site screening assessment

Using data from these maps, the SFRA Level 1 also provides a high-level indication of the source and level of flood risk that can be encountered at potential development sites that have been submitted. It also identifies sites which would potentially require further site-specific assessments as part of a Level 2 SFRA.   

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