Monitoring and evidence base

Brownfield land register

Local planning authorities are required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed land suitable for residential development.

The register comprises a standard set of information, prescribed by the Government, to help provide certainty for developers and communities and encourage investment in local areas. This registers helps monitor the Government’s commitment to the delivery of brownfield sites.

Sites on the register are considered suitable for residential use, available and achievable for development within 15 years. These sites must be in line with criteria set out in The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) and must be capable of providing 5 or more dwellings, or larger than 0.25 hectares. 

Further detailed guidance on the preparation and publication of brownfield registers can be found in National Planning Policy Guidance. 

Download the 2023 Brownfield Register

Further Information

Sites listed in the 2023 register are those with planning permission at 31st March 2023. These sites are taken from the Council’s annual housing monitoring data, and can be found within the 5 Year Housing Land Supply statement.

The Brownfield Land Register 2023 contains:

  • 18 Site entries
  • 3.7 Hectares of brownfield land
  • Estimated minimum residential yield capacity of 159 units.

The Council is currently undertaking work producing a new Local Plan and will be updating brownfield site information as part of this work programme

Previous Brownfield land registers

Brownfield land register (part 1) - December 2020

The register published in December 2020 was based upon monitoring information and the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) (2019) and contained:

  • 115 site entries 
  • 138 hectares of brownfield land
  • an estimated minimum residential yield capacity of 3,356 units

Brownfield land register (part 1) - December 2022

The latest register, which contains an updated list of extant planning permissions and emerging SHELAA sites, contains:

  • 76 site entries 
  • 67 hectares of brownfield land
  • an estimated minimum residential yield capacity of 2,289 units

The register will be updated in light of further work on monitoring, the SHELAA (integrating a call for sites), site assessment and other new Local Plan evidence work.

The brownfield land register is available in the Government’s standard data template format:

Self-build and custom housebuilding register

We also retain and manage a self-build register of people who are interested in self-build or custom build projects in their area. We are undertaking further work on the register and related housing projects. Further information: Self-build and custom housebuilding register

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