Public rights of way

Public path orders

For a list of current orders, please see the Public Path Orders List.

A public path order is a legal order that is required when a council wants to make permanent changes to the rights of way network, for example, diversions or closures.

Period of consultation

A consultation is undertaken with the general public and statutory bodies.

Any objections or representations to the proposal have to be made in writing within 28 days. If objections are not withdrawn and we decide to proceed with the matter, the order and objections are submitted to the Secretary of State and may be determined by a local enquiry or written representations.

Notification of making the order

A public notice is placed on site and advertised in the Swindon Advertiser, with full details available on this website.

Notification of confirming the order

The order is sealed and a second set of Public Notices and information is issued as before. This includes the date when the order will come into operation.

Alternative paths

Any work required in providing an alternative path will be completed before the order is confirmed.

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