Apply for permission to hold a street party or event

You need permission to close a road for a street party, parade, community event or "playing out". You need to apply for permission at least one month before the event.

Before making an application, you need to: 

  • read our street party guidelines
  • consult your neighbours. You can find a consultation letter format in the street party guidelines.
  • consider how you will direct traffic away from the closed road. This is called a traffic management plan.

You will need to upload a copy of the traffic management plan when making your online application.

If the road you wish to close is not an adopted public highway, you will need to take authorisation from the local land owner or frontages.

Application fee

  • Street party for a royal celebration including a jubilee, wedding or coronation - no charge
  • Road closure for a remembrance day event - no charge
  • Town and police clauses act fee - £232
  • Road closure for community event or parade, for example, Christmas light switch on, Christmas markets, fun fairs - £232

What you’ll need

During your application, you will need to upload a copy of your:

The application fee is non-refundable.

What you need to know before you apply

  • You need to notify all residents, businesses and public buildings authorities that will be affected by the roadworks. You need to write a letter to advise them of the works and their access rights at least three weeks before the closure or restriction. You should also give them supervisor contact details.
  • You should display notices and signs at least two weeks before the road or footpath closure or restriction. You should also include a contact number on warning signs so that a member of public can phone if they need more information.
  • You need to maintain pedestrian access to the front of properties during a closure or restriction
  • You should not use the closed or restricted road to park your work vehicles. You can take a vehicle to a closed or restricted road only when it is required for the works.
  • In the traffic management plan, you should clearly show the length of the road or footpath you propose to close or restrict. You should also give details of the traffic signs and diversion routes in the plan.
  • You need to make sure that the provision, operation and maintenance of all signs, lighting and guarding of the works is according to the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Chapter 8 of the current Traffic Manual, Safety at Street Works and Road Work Code of Practice
  • You must remove all temporary signs from the highway after you complete the work. You also need to restore signs or markings on the highway to their original state.

Apply for permission to close a road for a street party, parade or community event

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