Early education and childcare

Early education

All children, including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), are entitled to early education funding from the term following their 3rd birthday until they start school.

This is available for up to fifteen hours a week during term time.


Registered childcare services for children aged 0 to 18 years are usually paid for by parents through the following:

A maintained list of early education and childcare provision is available below:

Childcare entitlement videos

For further information about childcare entitlements, view the following clips:

Two-year funding

Universal 15 hours and 30 hours funding

Tax-free childcare

Ofsted reports

View the latest Ofsted reports for each childcare provider.


Early Years and Childcare Services
Swindon Borough Council
Civic Offices
Euclid Street

E-mail: EY&CBrokerage@swindon.gov.uk   

Useful resources

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