You said, we did


You said

School places for primary and secondary aged children with EHCPs were confirmed in February. One parent told us that they felt it was unclear whether their child had got a place within an SRP (Specialist Resource Provision) or not as the EHCP stated '(School name), a mainstream school with an SRP', and the letter she received stated simply the name of the school.

We did

We spoke to Swindon Borough Council, and although the EHCP was worded in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice, they agreed that the letter could be worded better. Going forward we have been assured that the letters will be made clearer so that no parent is in any doubt whether their child has the place or not.

Useful resources

Improvement Plan 'You Said We Did' (PDF)
This plan shows how we are using the constructive feedback from the annual survey to get better at the things we need to improve and to make sure we get things right for children and young people with SEND and their families.

Improvement Plan 'You Said We Did' - Executive Summary (PDF)
This is a more concise and accessible version of the full improvement plan.

Improvement Plan 'You Said We Did' - Easy Read (PDF)
This is an easy-read version of the improvement plan; accessible for young people.

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