SEND annual surveys
SEND annual survey
Our ambition is for every child and young person in Swindon to be safe from harm and abuse, empowered to reach their full potential and develop skills for life, enjoy healthy lifestyles, and be a happy and active member of the community.
We want every child and young person with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to make excellent progress through access to high quality support. This means having sufficient and good quality services and provision that responds to local need and that the right help is available at the right time.
To achieve our aims, we know that everyone needs to work together to plan services and this means listening to parents/ carers, young people and the people delivering the services about what is working well and what could work better.
The purpose of this survey is to ensure we have a way of annually measuring opinions and experiences of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services in Swindon from those receiving and delivering help, advice and support.
SEND annual survey 2023
The Annual SEND Survey 2023 was open from Monday, 25 September 2023 and closed on Friday, 15 December 2023.
The Annual SEND survey evaluation report 2023 provides a visually presented summary of the analysis of the 2023 responses received. It also shows how feedback in response to this survey is now being used to inform the actions within the new SENDi and Alternative Provision Strategy delivery plan.