SEND annual surveys

SEND annual surveys - archive

The annual SEND survey 2022

  • This summary report (PDF) provides a visually presented summary of the analysis of the 2022 responses received. It also shows how feedback in response to this survey is now being used to inform the actions within the new SENDi and Alternative Provision Strategy Delivery Plan.
  • This presentation (PowerPoint presentation) illustrates a detailed breakdown and analysis of the 2022 survey responses.

The annual SEND survey 2021

  • This summary report (PDF) provides a visually presented summary of the analysis of the 2021 responses received. It also shows how feedback in response to this survey is now being used to inform the actions within the SEND and Inclusion Strategy Delivery Plan.
  • This presentation (PowerPoint presentation) illustrates a detailed breakdown and analysis of the third annual survey responses.

The annual SEND survey 2020

The annual SEND survey 2019

  • The first annual SEND survey ran from September to December 2019 and has given us a baseline from which to regularly measure satisfaction levels and the experience of those delivering and receiving services supporting children and young people with SEND in Swindon.
  • This summary report (PDF) provides a summary of the information we obtained from the first annual survey, including a ‘You Said, We Did/We Will’ section which explains how we are using the feedback to get better at the things we need to improve and to get things right.
  • This presentation (PowerPoint presentation) provides a more detailed breakdown and analysis of the annual survey responses.

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