Education transitions

There are a number of transitions throughout education. The Preparing for Adulthood planning process focuses on making sure the education provision from 14 years onwards, is helping to meet the young person’s desired outcomes.

To ensure a smooth transition through education into adult life, young people should:

  • receive good information about their available options and given the opportunity to explore, through the curriculum, different aspects of adult life
  • have the right to ask for a particular school, college or approved specialist post-16 institution to be named in their EHC plan. Schools, colleges and approved specialist post-16 institutions that are named in EHC plans will have a statutory duty to admit the young person to their institution.
  • have the right to appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal if they disagree with the local authority’s decision not to carry out an assessment or reassessment, or not to draw up a plan following assessment or reassessment
  • have the right to appeal about the content of EHC plans that relates to their special educational needs and provision
  • have the right to mediation

Phase transfer 2022

The Phase Transfer communication for parents 2022 (PDF) describes the process for children and young people and includes dates of when parents should expect to hear back about placements and EHC Plans.

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