Health assessment

A health assessment forms part of the statutory assessment process. The goal is to ascertain and understand your child’s special educational and health needs in order to create a tailored care plan.

Outreach nurses assist school nurses in preparing health plans. They seek advice from the hospital as needed. 

Health assessment process in Swindon

  1. A parent and/or teacher establishes the need for a health assessment.
  2. The Local Education Authority sends a referral letter to the paediatric team at the Great Western Hospital.
  3. The paediatric team proposes an appointment in the form of a telephone call or face-to-face meeting. It is very important that you attend the appointment as there are statutory timescales in which to complete a report.
  4. The team prepares a report, which focuses on any diagnosis made or to be investigated. This report only documents recommendations pertaining to health.
  5. The team sends the report to the SEND Service.
  6. The SEND service makes an evaluation based on all the reports received from the various professionals involved in the child’s care.
  7. They then create an individual health care plan, which will involve school nurses and, if necessary, other health professionals such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists.

If you have a concern about your child’s care plan

The ultimate decision of the local education providers is beyond the jurisdiction of the paediatric team. If parents have any issues with their child’s care plan, they cannot contact the paediatric team directly, but should instead seek advice from the designated lead professional or the Swindon Parent Partnership Service. 

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