Needs assessment for an EHC plan
If you think your child or young person needs an education, health and care (EHC) plan, they will first need a statutory needs assessment.
You should first discuss this with your child’s school or early years setting SENCO or with the college. The majority of applications for statutory assessment we receive are coordinated by the child’s or young person’s school, college or early years setting.
Requesting a statutory needs assessment
To request a statutory needs assessment for yourself as a young person or for your child as their parent or carer you can either:
- email it in writing directly to
- discuss it with the school/college/setting, who can coordinate the application and all the relevant evidence
- discuss it with another professional or key worker you work with, who can then make a request on your behalf
- Early years application for high needs funding and assessment (PDF)
- KS1 to post-16 application for high needs funding and assessment (Word document)
- Universal banding descriptors - April 2016 to March 2017 (PDF)
EHC plan Easy Read
Our Easy Read document helps people understand what an EHC plan is.
It is designed to be easy to understand for people who may have difficulty reading standard leaflets.
- EHC plan Easy Read (PDF)
More information
More detailed information on the statutory needs assessment, EHC plan and the ongoing monitoring of a plan in Swindon.
- EHC plan flowchart (PDF)
Other useful links
- You said, we did – Timing of requests for education health and care needs assessments
- Person-centred practice: Resources and guidance
- Identifying special educational needs
- Applying for an EHC plan (PDF)
- Early help assessment and plan
- Health assessment
- Children's social care
- SIAS - Swindon SEND information, advice and support service
- DfE guide for parents