Report a dog attack or out of control dog
It is a criminal offence for a person in charge of a dog to allow it to be dangerously out of control anywhere in England and Wales whether or not in a public place.
Please note: If a dog has been dangerously out of control to yourself or you were under the apprehension you were going to be bitten, you will need to report this to Wiltshire Police on the non-emergency line or via the website. If you believe you are in immediate danger please dial 999.
A dog may be dangerously out of control if:
- it attacks and injures a person or an assistance dog
- it causes a person to worry that it may injure them or an assistance dog, and the person in charge of the dog has no proper control of it
- it attacks livestock
If you require assistance with your own dog’s behaviour, a list of local registered dog trainers and behaviourists can be found on the Association of Pet Dog Trainer’s website.
For further information about controlling your dog in public, please see the website.
If your own dog has been attacked by an out of control dog you will need to take your own civil action against the offending dog owner. Advice can be found on the Citizens Advice website.