Licensing initiatives

Licensing Security and Vulnerability Initiative (LSAVI)

Image showing Licensing Security and Vulnerability Initiative (LSAVI) logo

Licensing Security and Vulnerability Initiative (LSAVI) is an assessment based tool bringing together information from Police, Fire and Licensing Authorities.

It is aimed at ensuring licensed premises provide a safe and secure environment in line with the Licensing Act 2003. 

Once the assessment has been completed, venues will have the opportunity to market this achievement by applying for the Licensing SAVI award. This is a star-rated scheme that indicates to the public that the venue runs a safe and secure premises.

The highest rated premises are granted a 5-star award.

If you are a licensed premises and want to take advantage of Licensing SAVI, you can start your self-assessment now on the Licensing SAVI website.

Alternatively you can contact the Licensing team.

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