What does co-producing the Local Offer mean?
We work continually with children, young people, parents and carers to shape the support that exists for families.
As part of the Children and Families Act, we are required to produce our Local Offer in partnership with children, young people and their families. Our focus is on putting children and young people at the heart of planning and decision making, through co-production and a person-centred approach. Our aim is to engage young people and their families in all processes, particularly in relation to:
- the Local Offer
- education, health and care (EHC) plans
- the commissioning of services
- strategic decision making
SEND Local Offer annual report
We are required to review how effective our Local Offer is on an annual basis and publish our findings. Our annual report explains:
- how we have collated feedback
- what that feedback has been
- what we've done to improve things
Local Offer Governance
This page provides information on how the local authority will provide up to date and accurate information and advice for children and young people with SEND their parents/careers and the professionals that work with them.
Local Offer annual event
We previously organised events in collaboration with Swindon SEND Families Voice (SSFV) and Swindon Ten to Eighteen Project (STEP) on behalf of children, young people and their parents.
The event shared the extent and breadth of information that the SEND Local Offer has to offer.
You can find information about where the Local Offer has been this year in the SEND Local Offer annual report. Information about the 2022 event is available in the evaluation report below.
Swindon Learning Disability Partnership Forum
The aim of the forum was to give people the opportunity to share their opinions about the content of the website, and also provide some useful feedback about how accessible it might be.