Meet the SEND service

Call the SEND Service on 01793 464641. Lines are open from Monday to Thursday between 8.00am and 5.00pm and on Friday between 8.00am and 4:30pm. You can also email us at

The SEND statutory service

The SEND statutory service has two main functions:

  • to complete statutory needs assessments for children and young people where it has been agreed that they have met both parts of the legal test
  • to complete the annual review processes for education, health and care (EHC) plans

Previously, these two functions were split across different hubs. This meant that, unlike their colleagues in reviewing hubs who worked with a set number of settings, the assessment hub could be working with every setting across Swindon and sometimes schools on the border of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. This allowed assessment staff less of an opportunity to build strong working relationships with settings compared to their reviewing colleagues.

In order to address this we have re-designed our delivery model. We now have:

  • two ‘Birth to year 9’ hubs. Both these hubs have EHC plan coordinators who deal with assessments and EHC plan coordinators who manage the processing of annual reviews to ensure compliance with time scales. The reviewing hubs are split into geographical locations - north and south - and only process requests and reviews for the schools that fall into these areas.
  • a 'preparing for adulthood' team. This team manages all cases across the borough for children and young people who are in year 10 and above. Again, this hub has an assessment coordinator and reviewing coordinators.

We believe that this model will see an improved service for our children, young people and their families. It also aims to facilitate better working relationships with our settings and allows more effective internal handover processes from assessment into review.

The SEND Statutory Service Structure September 2023 (PDF)

SEND service staff and profiles

The SEND Team have their own "all about me" which is an opportunity to get to know more about the officers in the team.

Alison M
Interim Head of SEND
Alison M's profile is coming soon

Interim Statutory SEND Service Manager
Rox's profile (PDF)

Interim Statutory Services Team Leader 
Jorge's profile (PDF)

Megan J.
EHCP Coordinator
Megan's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Mia's profile (PDF)

Lisa L.
EHCP Coordinator
Lisa's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator (Assessment)
Annabel's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Sophie's profile (PDF)

Laura B
Delivery Support Officer
Laura's profile (PDF)

Emily V
Statutory Services Team Leader
Emily V’s profile (PDF)

Rachel P
EHCP Coordinator
Rachel P's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Leo's profile (PDF)

Claire B
EHCP Coordinator
Claire B's profile (PDF)

Rosie T
EHCP Coordinator
Rosie T's profile is coming soon

EHCP Coordinator
Delilah's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Jaimie's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Emmanuel's profile (PDF)

Statutory Services Team Leader
Keri's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Karen's profile is coming soon

EHCP Coordinator
Emma's profile

EHCP Coordinator
Jessica's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Charlotte's profile (PDF)

Sally F.
Delivery Support Officer
Sally's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Denise's profile (PDF)

Interim Statutory Services Team Leader
Mine's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Neil's profile (PDF)

Debbie G.
EHCP Coordinator
Debbie's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Pam's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Eva's profile (PDF)

EHCP Coordinator
Melissa's profile is coming soon

Delivery Support Officer
Helen's profile is coming soon

Andrew O
Programme Manager
Andrew O's profile (PDF)

Assistant Programme Manager
Codie's profile (PDF)

SEND Programmes Support Officer
Miles profile (PDF)

SEND Inclusion and Training Officer
Rachel's profile (PDF)

Andrew M
Local Offer Development Officer
Andrew M's profile (PDF)

Emily K
Quality Assurance Senior Officer
Emily's profile (PDF)

SEND Finance and Personal Budgets Officer
Oana's profile is coming soon

SEND Apprentice
Millie's profile (PDF)

Beth M
EHCP Coordinator
Beth's profile (PDF)

Young person’s champion
Ffion's profile (PDF)

Young person’s champion
Alex's profile is coming soon

Young person’s champion
Chloe's profile is coming soon

Louise T
Senior Travel Officer
Louise's profile (PDF)

Team Leader
Roger's profile (PDF)

Independent Travel Team Co-ordinator
Raymond's profile (PDF)

Travel Coordinator

Team Leader
Kerry's profile (PDF)

Travel Coordinator
Carrie's profile is coming soon

Travel Coordinator
Justine's profile (PDF)

Team Leader
Suzanna's profile (PDF)

Travel Coordinator
Pamela's profile is coming soon

Travel Coordinator
Yvonne's profile is coming soon

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