Bus boarding event

A bus boarding event will take place on Tuesday, 21 May at the Civic Annex Civic Offices Euclid Street SN1 2JH.

This will include a single decker bus from Swindon’s Bus Company and a double decker bus from Stagecoach.

The event is to make sure people with different support needs have the opportunity to provide feedback on bus travel in Swindon.

There will be two sessions:

  • A session for people with a learning disability will take place at 11.30am and 12.15pm
  • A session for autistic people will take place at 12.15pm and 1.00pm

We know it’s very important that everyone feels able to board a bus safely.

We also need to work together so you can tell us and the bus drivers:

  • what would make it easier to board a bus
  • what can be done to help you
  • what you can do to help them

Any feedback you give will be shared with 'Get Swindon Moving Community Group'.

The public transport team and Swindon bus drivers will be available for you to meet and talk to. Annie Baker, the People and Partnership Lead in Adult Social Care at Swindon Borough Council, will also be there.

If you would like to find out more or come along to the event, call 07989 387810 or email abaker2@swindon.gov.uk.

Alternatively, pop in to Tea and Chat on Wednesdays between 11.00am and 12.00pm at Swindon Hub.

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