Preparing for adult life events

My Future event

The My Future 2024 event took place on Thursday, 1 February from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm at New College, North Star Campus.

The event is aimed at young people aged 14+ with additional needs as they prepare for adult life, and the parents, carers and professionals who support them.

Swindon schools were invited to bring their students aged 14 + with additional needs to the event. 

There were approximately 40 ‘stallholders’ at the event from a broad range of organisations from across Swindon that support young people, including from education, employment and training, good health, independent living, social life and community.

The ‘My Future’ event is an opportunity for young people, parents, carers and professionals to have informal, face to face conversations with different organisations. Also, it is a chance for attendees to hear more about the services and opportunities provided for young people with additional needs as they reach adulthood.

If you would like to be involved with 'My Future 2025', contact the My Future inbox on

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