Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA) reports

The ELSA programme is an approach for teaching assistants to deliver individual or group interventions to children and young people who are experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties.  Following the success of a local area pilot (2018-20) where ELSA training and supervision was delivered across all schools, the EPS are now continuing to offer ELSA as a traded service.

During the academic year 2021-22, the Educational Psychology Service (EPS) ran initial training for new ELSAs, supervision for current ELSAs and top-up training for current ELSAs who wanted to develop their skills further. For each, ELSAs were asked to complete evaluations to provide feedback for the EPS on what is working well and areas for improvement with regards to the ELSA offer.

Impact and evaluation reports related to the Swindon ELSA programme (2018-20) are provided below along with an explanatory leaflet for schools:

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