If you’ve made a Freedom of Information request from a public body or made a subject access request (SAR) for your own information, you should expect delays in response. That’s because organisations are diverting their resources to help with other challenges.
Make a Freedom of Information request
You can make a request for information from the council under the Freedom of Information Act.
However, we publish information proactively because of our commitment to open data and transparency. This means it is possible that the information you need is already available on our website.
If you can get the information straightaway, it's more convenient for you, and it saves time and money for us.
You can search or browse our publication scheme and open data catalogue from this page.
Publication scheme and open data catalogue
We have adopted the Information Commissioner's model publication scheme and published open data in line with the government's transparency code. You can search or browse records in the publication scheme and open data catalogue.
Search by keyword
Make a request for information
You can make a request for information if you believe we haven't published it already. It's best to do this online.
You should not make this kind of request if you want to see information that we hold about you. Instead, you should make a subject access request (SAR) under the Data Protection Act 2018.
Alternatively, you can make a request by email or post. You first need to download, print and complete this form:
You should email the completed form to FreedomofInformation@swindon.gov.uk.
Or, send by post to:
Freedom of Information
I&T - Information Governance
Swindon Borough Council
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Charges for documents
If you require information that is not available through the publication scheme, there may be a charge. You will be advised of any charges before the request is completed in a fees notice. This is not a bill, but it will enable you to decide how you wish to proceed with the request. However, help and advice will be provided to try and keep the request below the statutory limit so we can provide the information free of charge.
Charges can be made for photocopying (based at 10p per copy) and postage.
The council has decided to provide the first hundred pages for free and only charge for these items should the total exceed £10 (or a 100 copies). There will be no charge below this sum, likewise for the cost of postage.
Standard charges can be made for certain documents where the council is legally entitled to do so. There will also be a standard charge for ‘commercial documents’ which have been collated and produced in a glossy format.
Any charges for documents will be published on our website and will include the costs for documents under environmental regulations.
Request a Freedom of Information review
You can request a review of our response to a Freedom of Information request if you are unhappy with the service you have received or the information we have provided.
It is our usual practice to accept a request for an internal review made within 40 working days from the date that we have issued a response to a request. We are not obliged to accept internal reviews after this date.
You can make this request by email. You will need to provide the reference number of our response, which starts with FOI followed by six digits.
The complaint/review procedure involves a full review by the Information Governance Manager.
You do have the option to report your dissatisfaction directly to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) before contacting us for a review. However, the ICO generally cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the council's own complaint/review procedure.