Advice before requesting Children Services Freedom of Information

The following webpages contain detailed key statistics that are already available to the public. The data is accessible at the local authority level and includes national and statistical neighbour comparator data.

We encourage you to review this information before submitting a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, as the datasets are comprehensive and show trends over time. You may find the information you need without having to submit an FOI request to us. 

Children in need website

This website contains statistics on children in need in England, including child protection plans, and referrals to and assessments completed by children’s social care services. Each reporting year covers the financial year, 1 April to 31 March.

Children looked after in England including adoptions

This website provides information on children looked after (CLA) in England, including numbers of CLA adopted, care leavers and CLA who were missing from their placement.

Data catalogue

Find and download data sets with associated guidance files in this data catalogue.

Local authority interactive tool (LAIT)

An interactive spreadsheet is available on this website for comparing data regarding children and young people across all local authorities in England.

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