Pathways into employment

Notify us of your education, employment and training status

Most children and young people will cope well with transition through each phase of their educational journey and will move successfully into paid employment as they reach adulthood. For some young people, the journey is more difficult as they may face barriers which disrupt their learning and attendance in education. They may require additional help and support in order to enable them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

All young people are required to remain in education or training until they are 18. The raising the participation age for young people post 16 booklet explains this to you. 

There is help and support available for adults who may be looking to change careers, get back into work, or looking for new opportunities through volunteering.

These resources, advice and information will help you, or the young person you are supporting, to identify where you/they are in their journey through education and training and into employment.

You may also find the information on Adult Community Learning and Options at 16 helpful.

You can notify our Education, Employment & Training (EET) Service of your current education, employment and training status or to ask for help with your next steps:

We are legally required to track the following young people with their EET status:

  • Young people aged 16 to 18 years
  • Young people aged 16 to 21years who have been in care
  • Young people aged 16 to 25 years with an active Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP)

If you have any questions as to whether you need to fill this form in or not, contact the EET Service via email at:

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