Pathways into employment

Connect and volunteer

Volunteer to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Swindon

Volunteering enriches community life and benefits worthwhile causes. For the volunteer the impact can be even greater. Volunteering is a way to learn new skills, make new connections, feel a sense of belonging and purpose and improve personal wellbeing. 

We are always looking for new volunteers. Our volunteering opportunities are flexible and are designed to fit around the time and skills that you have to offer.

Our current opportunities include: 

  • Swindon Circles befriending: Could you regularly visit someone who can’t get out and feels lonely? 
  • Local Heroes: Sign up for ad hoc volunteering that makes a big difference to someone having a difficult time. You will receive a regular bulletin containing opportunities such as picking up a bit of shopping, taking someone to a hospital appointment or sharing important life skills like cooking. You simply volunteer for whichever tasks suits you. 
  • Active Lives volunteer: Would you like to help people with disabilities access inclusive sports projects in Swindon? 
  • Forget–me-not bakers: If you love baking, you can make and donate a cake to someone who otherwise wouldn’t have their birthday celebrated. 
  • The Swindon Big Knit: An opportunity to make a difference from your armchair. Our big knitters lovingly make 8” squares to knit into blankets or hats, scarves and gloves for our elderly clients, young people in supported accommodation or vulnerable adults. Some of our volunteers run knitting circles, teach people to knit, share donated wool and knitting needles and at least once a year, we hold events to bring everyone together twice. 

If you are interested in signing up or have other skills and ideas for projects please get in touch with the Live Well Hub on 01793 465513 or email

Other volunteering opportunities

In Swindon there are lots of opportunities to volunteer and there are lots of different ways you can find a role that's right for you.

  • Do-it is a national website where you can search for volunteering opportunities locally.

You can also visit the volunteering opportunities page

Build your confidence and get out more

We provide a range of services designed to improve your health and wellbeing including:

  • Support to make lifestyle changes that will improve your health, information and signposting to resources in the wider community
  • Support for people who feel lonely or isolated
  • Support for people with Long term health conditions

We know that sometimes being told where to go isn’t enough. Lots of us feel anxious sometimes, especially when stepping out of our comfort zone or breaking long established habits. You can find out more about social anxiety on the NHS Every Mind Matters website.

Participating in Community Life will help you feel more connected. If you are looking to join a group or take part in a new activity get in touch to find out what opportunities are available.

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