Managing long term health conditions and independence

Community navigators

The Community Navigator service offers one to one support to individuals who have been diagnosed with one or more long term health condition. The Navigators work with clients for up to 8 sessions, encouraging them to self-manage their condition and improve their quality of life by introducing healthy habits to improve wellbeing and by encouraging wider participation in community life.

The programme is designed to work with individuals who:

  • are resident in the Borough of Swindon or registered with a GP within the Swindon Locality
  • have one or more Long Term Health Condition(s)
  • are not working with a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) or AWP Recovery worker

Safely home service

The aim of the Safely Home Service is to offer support to patients who are in hospital and have been assessed as medically fit for discharge, but do not have the support of family or friends during the first few days/weeks of their return home.

In the first instance, the service offers practical support to make the home ready for the patients return, including:

  • moving beds/furniture to make the space accessible, safe and ready for arrival
  • turning on heating, lighting and drawing curtains to make the home as inviting as possible
  • picking up essentials so the patient has adequate food and supplies
  • collecting any additional medication or medical supplies

The service can also draw upon professional expertise and assistance for any maintenance, repair or deep cleaning required. Depending on the circumstances, there may be a charge for this element of the service.

In addition to the practical support, the Safely Home Service can offer information, signposting and support to access local amenities and advice. This aspect of the service aims to build confidence, connections and resilience and can be accessed for a period of up to six weeks to assist patients to settle back into home life.

The Safely Home Service is only available to those aged 18 years and older and who are referred to us by Swindon Borough Council Adult Social Care and/or the Great Western Hospital Trust.

Community response worker

Community response workers receive referrals from Swindon Borough Council Adult Social Care to assist Social Workers and Assistant Care Managers with specific tasks which are approved by their line manager. The work needed should take place over an approximate six-week period and can include, but is not limited to:

  • Accessing food
  • Accessing and setting up cleaning services
  • Supporting with accessing benefits
  • Assisting with paperwork and correspondence
  • Increasing independence and setting up working systems that individuals can maintain
  • Assistance with de-cluttering and hoarded homes (only where there remains an allocated worker in Adult Social Care to take the lead)
  • Offering signposting and encouragement to individuals to support Adult Social Care

Swindon carers emergency carer card

Live Well Swindon also supports the Emergency Carer Card Scheme provided by Swindon Carers Centre during business operating hours (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.30pm). The team will respond to and activate individual care plans in the event of an emergency to ensure support is in place for the cared for adult or child.

Emergency Carer Cards can be accessed through the Swindon Carers Centre.

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