Primary school places and admissions

Receiving and accepting your offer

The offer day for primary, infant and junior school places is Wednesday, 16 April 2025.

If you made an on-time application

We will send you your offer by email on the offer day using the email address you supplied in the online application.

If you made a late application

If we are able to offer you a place by the offer day, we will send you your offer on the offer day just like an on-time application. If we are not able to offer you a place by the offer day, or if you make a late application after the offer day, we will send you the offer as soon as we can.

If you supplied a legible email address in the paper application, we will send the offer to this email address. If you did not supply a legible email address, we will send you the offer by second-class post to your home address. 

We cannot give any information about the offer of a place before the offer day. After that, we can only give information to the person who made the application.

Accepting or rejecting an offer

If you made an on-time application

You will receive an email on offer day with a link to verify your details. Once verified, you will then be able to view your offer.

You can then log into your parent account to accept the school place you have been offered.

If you made a late application

If we have sent you an offer via email and provided a link to accept the offer, you can accept the offer online. If you have not received an email containing a link to accept the offer - or if you have forgotten your password - you should contact the school to accept the place. 

Again, you do have the option to change your application, but you should consider this option carefully.

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