Fair access protocol for parents
Direction off-site information for parents
A Direction Off-Site (DOS) is a strategy that is sometimes used when a child is almost at the point of permanent exclusion. It is where a school arranges for a pupil to join a different school in discussion with that school in a planned way.
A DOS can only occur if parents are in agreement and where another school is willing to offer a school place in this way. A DOS can be used when there have been significant difficulties with a pupil's behaviour over a period of time and it is thought a fresh start in a new setting could benefit the pupil.
In Swindon, a DOS is usually offered when a pupil is at risk of suspension or permanent exclusion due to their behaviours and should only be in place for an agreed period of time with reviews.
Why is my child being offered a DOS?
Sometimes, if your child is at risk of permanent exclusion, the head teacher may consider a DOS to another school in order to give your child an opportunity for a fresh start.
How is a DOS different to a parent applying for a change of school through the normal in year admissions route?
At any time parents may apply to Swindon School Admissions for a change of school place for their child(ren) by completing an In Year Transfer form. Parents can name up to three schools in order of preference. Under the Admissions Code, if there is a space in the school of choice, a place should be offered.
A DOS does not take place through Swindon’s Admissions under the Admissions Code. It is an arrangement agreed between parents and the two schools to move a pupil from one school to another.
Although this could only take place with your full consent, you would not have a choice of school, it would be a matter for negotiation between the schools.
However, at the point the DOS is agreed and has been successful a school place is applied for with the intention of the receiving school offering the place. This is the stage known as a managed move, the formal process of a place being offered following a DOS.
Should I agree to a DOS and managed move instead of a permanent exclusion?
A managed move can be a supportive measure for children who may benefit from a fresh start at a new school. It is up to you to decide if you would like your child to have the opportunity of a managed move.
The threat of exclusion must never be used to influence you to remove your child from a school.
Are there other differences?
There are several differences. If you agree to a DOS and managed move, you are agreeing to your child leaving the school and have no formal opportunity to argue your case.
The governors do not have a meeting to decide if your pupil should leave the school and you have no chance to discuss the case with them. This may be important if you feel that your child has not been supported adequately or fairly treated.
If your child is excluded, the governors must meet to consider the head teacher’s decision. If they uphold the decision, you have the opportunity to take the case to an independent review.
There is no process for review with a managed move.
If I agree, what happens to my child's education before he/she starts at the new school?
If you agree to a DOS and managed move intervention, it will be part of the discussion with both schools where a plan is drawn up to support your child.
You and your child will be able to ask any questions about the arrangements in these meetings.
Why has the head teacher suspended my child, even after I have agreed to a DOS and managed move?
Even though a managed move has been agreed, the school may decide to issue a suspension if a pupil has breached the behaviour policy. If the suspension is for longer than five days, the school must make full-time provision for your child.