Report a disturbance from trade, commercial or business premises
Trade, commercial, or business premises are subject to certain restrictions on the type of disturbance they can cause as a result of their activities. Most businesses will be subject to planning constraints regarding the hours they can work and the noise they can emit.
Conditions applying to planning consents can be checked on the Planning Portal website.
The following webpages provide support for certain disturbances:
- Report a noise disturbance
- Report disturbance by bonfire or other smoke
- Report bright artificial light disturbance
Other types of disturbance not covered by the webpages above which may be subject to formal investigation and possible intervention are:
- the emission of dust
- the emission of steam
- the emission of pungent or offensive odours
- the escape of farmed insects (such as in maggot farms)
There are a number of exemptions and complexities in the law around the above in relation to trade premises, but if you report your disturbance on the form below, an Environmental Health Officer will review what you submit and will advise you accordingly, normally within 7 days. If we feel it is something we can act on, we will ask you to complete a diary for a period of three weeks so that we have a good understanding the problem.
We will also expect you to have spoken to or written to the business yourself before contacting the council. Most businesses welcome being told if they are disturbing someone, and will be pleased to do what they can to limit any disturbance.
Please use the online form below to report being regularly disturbed in your home from a trade, business or commercial premises, and where the specific type of disturbance is not covered by the webpages above.