How to petition the council

Petitions can be either paper or electronic (an 'e-petition'). Full details of the Petition Scheme, including what the petition should contain and how it should be presented, are contained in the following document: 

How to submit or sign an e-petition

To submit a new e-petition, or sign an existing one, please see the Swindon Borough Council E-Petitions website.

Guidance on completing an E-Petition is available in the following document:

What happens next

All petitions will be logged on the Swindon Borough Council E-Petitions website.

The Council will respond to all the petitions it receives. Petitions will be referred to the relevant decision-maker(s) within the Council as follows:

  • Full Council
  • A Regulatory Committee
  • The Scrutiny Committee
  • The Cabinet
  • A Cabinet member
  • An officer

For a petition to be debated at a Full Council meeting, it must contain a certain minimum number of signatures.

  • Issues affecting only one ward: 350 signatures
  • Issues affecting only two or three wards: 750 signatures
  • All other issues: 1500 signatures

Where the petition will be considered at a meeting, the lead petitioner or their representative will have up to five minutes to speak in support of the petition.

Keeping you informed

Petitioners will be kept informed of the progress of their petition and the outcome, and the results of each petition will be published on the Swindon Borough Council E-Petitions website.

Further information


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