Pay for a fixed penalty notice

Public spaces protection order (PSPO) fixed penalty notice

To pay for a public spaces protection order fixed penalty notice, you will need the following:

  • The fixed penalty notice (FPN) number (found on your ticket beginning with 'FP' or 'LT')
  • The transgressor's surname (this is the name of the person whom committed the offence)
  • The offence code (the four digit code found on your ticket either beginning with ‘TC’ or ‘LP’ followed by two numbers for example: 'TC01' or 'LP08')

Littering or fly-tipping fixed penalty notice

To pay for a littering or fly-tipping fixed penalty notice, you will need the following:

  • The fixed penalty notice (FPN) number (found on your ticket beginning with 'FP')
  • The transgressor's surname (this is the name of the person whom committed the offence)
  • The offence code (the four digit code found on your ticket either 'EN09' or 'EN10')

Smoking related fixed penalty notice

To pay for a fixed penalty notice issued for smoking in a smoke-free place, you will need the following:

  • The fixed penalty notice (FPN) number (found on your ticket beginning with 'FP')
  • The transgressor's surname (this is the name of the person whom committed the offence)
  • The offence code (the four digit code found on your ticket 'SM11')

Pay your fixed penalty notice

If you pay for a penalty notice within 28 days no further action will be taken against you.

Pay a fixed penalty notice

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