Community right to bid

Assets of community value

The Localism Act gave communities a new right to nominate land and buildings (assets), regardless of ownership, for recognition as valuable community assets.

We maintain a list of assets of community value within the Borough. An asset will be included on this list if it is proposed by a qualifying community group and meets the legal requirements as determined by the council.

With a few exceptions, the owner of a listed asset cannot sell or transfer it until a qualifying community group has had the opportunity to put in a bid.

Assets will remain on the list for five years, unless they are removed sooner due to a review, appeal or legitimate disposal. We also keep a record of unsuccessful nominations.

For information on community assets in the Swindon Borough Council area, please refer to the following lists:

Further information

For full details of the provisions, reference should be made to the following websites:

The nomination process

If you are eligible to nominate a building or land as an asset of community value, complete the nomination form:

Email the completed form to

Alternatively, forms can be obtained on request from:

Kathy Sherratt
Property Assets
Swindon Borough Council
Civic Offices
Euclid Street


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