Purchasing council-owned land

The council owns land for operational and amenity purposes and may consider selling small plots adjacent to residential homes.

If you are interested in buying a small plot of Council owned amenity land adjacent to your own property please read the land purchase procedure (PDF) first and then complete the land purchase application form if you wish to proceed.

To apply online, please use the link below:

Apply to purchase council-owned land online

Alternatively, you can apply using this downloadable document:

Administration fees and charges

The following list shows types of fees and relevance costs:

  • Application fee - £182.50 + VAT
  • Land valuation fee - £325 + VAT
  • Statutory Notice charges for disposal of public open space - £450 + VAT
  • Change of Use planning application fee - Refer to Planning Portal
  • Council's legal fee (varies depending upon complexity) - £1,250 +VAT

Send enquiries and completed application forms to: property@swindon.gov.uk

Please be aware that the council is not obliged to sell any amenity land and charges non-refundable fees for considering each application.

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