Speech and language: Learning Signalong

In Swindon we use the Signalong system of signs to support spoken communication.

Take a look at this video of some of our Speech and Language Therapists using Signalong signs in a song. 

What is Signalong?

To find out more about what sign supported communication is and how it can help children’s communication, take a look at our parents advice leaflet (PDF).

You can also access the Signalong website.

Signalong uses one sign per concept and one concept per sign. Take a look at the philosophy of Signalong (PDF) for more information.

How can I find out about courses in Swindon?

We have several Speech & Language Therapists who are registered Signalong tutors, and we deliver several courses each year, both during the day and in evenings.

Our core courses are a:

  • 16 hour foundation course using our bespoke ‘Everyday Signing’ manual. This is the main course for those who want to use Signalong regularly with a child or young person and is certificated.
  • 3.5 hour introductory workshop using the ‘Going to School’ manual. This is a useful as a refresher as well as for those that are new to Signalong.
  • 2 hour parent and carer workshop. This introductory session is only offered to parents and carers of children and young people who are on our caseload. Your Speech and Language Therapist will be able to discuss if this would be helpful to you.

Practitioners can find out details of current courses and book a bespoke Signalong course by visiting the Swindon Hub for Education.

Are there any online resources of Signalong signs?

We have created some photo resources of early years signs that might be useful for getting started:

These photo resources should not be used outside Swindon without consent from the Speech & Language Therapy department.

Resources created by Signalong

Other online resources

Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy Service have a Facebook page and every Wednesday they post the ‘sign of the week’. These are also stored on their YouTube page.

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