Making a referral for help with speech and language
To ensure children and young people can get the 'right help' at the 'right time', we have developed referral pathways.
All local professionals are offered free training in referring to our service. We recommend that parents and carers discuss concerns around their child's speech, language or communication development with their Health Visitor or Early Years setting and follow the referral pathway together.
The pre-school pathway (PDF) refers to a few other documents available below. These should be completed and sent with the referral form.
BRISC document (PDF) - with kind permission from North Bristol NHS Trust. The speech sound checklist and associated picture is at the very end of this document. Completed BRISC forms contain confidential information and must be kept secure. Please only email these forms if you are able to encrypt the email. Guidance to completing the BRISC checklist (PDF).
EY practitioner toolkit (Word document) - SLCN graduated response. This is a new document, and replaces what was previously known as ‘ARMMS’.
SALT referral form (Word document). Please ensure you fill in all required details on the referral form otherwise it may cause a delay in the child being seen whilst we chase up missing information. Practitioners can sign up to our 'screening and referring to Speech and Language Therapy course' via the Hub for Education.
The 4 to 7 years pathway (PDF) refers to a few other documents available below. These should be completed and sent with the referral form.
BRISC document (PDF) - with kind permission from North Bristol NHS Trust. The speech sound checklist and associated picture is at the very end of this document. Completed BRISC forms contain confidential information and must be kept secure. Please only email these forms if you are able to encrypt the email. Guidance to completing the BRISC checklist (PDF).
EY practitioner toolkit (Word document) - SLCN graduated response. This is a new document, and replaces what was previously known as ‘ARMMS’.
SALT referral form (Word document). Please ensure you fill in all required details on the referral form, otherwise it may cause a delay in the child being seen whilst we chase up missing information. Practitioners can sign up to our 'screening and referring to Speech and Language Therapy Course' via the Hub for Education.
If you have worked with the 7 years+ pathway (PDF) and a decision has been reached to refer the child or young person, please use the form below:
Please ensure you fill in all required details on the referral form, otherwise it may cause a delay in the child being seen whilst we chase up missing information.
Practitioners can sign up to our 'screening and referring to Speech and Language Therapy Course' via the Hub for Education.
Further information is also available on the following page.