Children's continuing and complex care

What do we do?

Children with complex needs may need additional health support to that which is routinely available from GP practices, hospitals or in the community. These complex health needs may be the result of congenital conditions, long-term or life limiting conditions, disability, serious illness or injury.

The Children’s Continuing and Complex Care team consists of nurses and health care support workers and can:

  • provide care for children with complex health needs in their own home
  • support children with complex health needs to attend school, holiday clubs and extra-curricular activities
  • provide nursing support in the home to reduce hospital admissions and facilitate early discharge
  • liaise with other members of the multi-disciplinary/multi-agency team to ensure that the child and family’s needs are fully met
  • support children and young people with terminal illness providing palliative and end of life care

Who is it for?

Children and young people aged up to 18 with complex health needs (age 19 for those attending a special school), and living in Swindon ICB boundaries.

How do I access it?

By referral from a health, education or social care professional who works with your child and knows their health and care needs well.

For continuing care, an assessment process is necessary following referral.

How can I find out more?

Children’s Outreach Nursing Service Office
The Children’s Unit
2nd Floor Great Western Hospital

Telephone: 01793 604969

Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.

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