Information, advice and advocacy for children and young people with SEND

The Children and Families Act 2014 requires every local area to have an impartial information, advice and support (IAS) service in place.

In Swindon, you can access free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support from SIAS - SEND information, advice and support service.

You can also access information, advice and advocacy support from:

The information, advice, support and advocacy services will provide different levels of help, from information and signposting through to active support. There may be occasions where parents and children disagree. However, we can still provide support to both the young person and their parents or carers. We endeavour to work with the parents and young person in a way that best meets individual circumstances.

Citizens Advice Swindon
Sanford House
College Street entrance 
Tel: 0344 4994 114 


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