Professional portal

The SEND Professional Portal is a secure online resource enabling professionals to self-register and then send information to the Local Authority (in relation to SEND) about the children/young people they work with. 

It will allow Educational settings to submit any requests for Statutory Assessment, further evidence in support of assessment (if requested) and Annual Review documentation for those children and young/people with an Education, Health and Care Plan.  It will allow all other professional contributors to submit their evidence towards Statutory Assessments (if requested).

The SEND Service will use the Professional Portal share forms for completion with settings/agencies.

Please note: It is mandatory for professionals to use the SEND Professional Portal to submit requests for, and advice towards, Statutory Assessment. 

The main benefits of the portal are: 

  • Better engagement of the child/young person and parent/carer
  • More efficient information gathering and sharing (a solution to encrypted email problems)
  • Improved monitoring, and sharing the status, of an application 

Registering for the portal 

If you are a school/setting, we ask you register using a generic SENC0@ email address and input your name as School Name SENCO for example,; SENCO Swindon School. 

If you are a Professional working within a service who writes advice for all aspects of the Education, Health and Care Plan process, we ask you register using your services generic email address only and input your name as your service areas name for example, Educational Psychology Service. 

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