Support in the workplace for carers

As somebody combining a caring role with paid employment you are likely to need support in the workplace.

It may be that you need access to a telephone to check on the person you care for, or to arrange leave to fit in with someone coming out of hospital.

Carers have statutory rights and there is a formal procedure for both employees and employers to follow. This details the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

Meanwhile, more and more employers are coming to realise the benefits of supporting carers.

You may feel you could benefit from arrangements such as:

  • flexible working
  • special leave options
  • compressed hours
  • term-time working

If so, you should speak to your employer about the options available to you.

For more information on your rights as a working carer, visit the Carers UK website – Your rights in work.

Working with employers

Swindon Carers Centre wants to help Swindon employers support carers who work in the borough.

You can complete a contact form on their website for more information:

Swindon Carers Centre website

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