What we are doing to help rough sleepers and those at risk of becoming homeless

Regular engagement with rough sleepers

Help is available for every rough sleeper in Swindon.

We have a statutory duty to offer meaningful help to the homeless, or those likely to find themselves homeless within 56 days.

In legal terms, a person is classed as being threatened with homelessness if it is likely that they will become homeless within that 56-day period. This means that everybody has the same access to the same level of assistance, as long as they are deemed eligible.

We currently commission an outreach service which provides dedicated support to those sleeping rough. This is often the main contact point for rough sleepers and plans are in place to expand this service.

Personal Housing Plan

We work with everybody who fits the above mentioned criteria by carrying out a needs assessment and developing a Personal Housing Plan (PHP). Every rough sleeper who wants help will have had an assessment and a PHP, which is monitored by the our Housing Options team.

Rough sleepers panel

The rough sleepers panel meets once a month and is made up of outreach workers, police officers, council officials, accommodation providers, Job Centre Plus staff and drug and alcohol support workers. They come together not just to monitor the number of rough sleepers in Swindon, but to assess whether rough sleepers are being offered the help and support they require. The panel is also active in finding solutions to some of the most challenging cases.

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