Enhanced bus partnership scheme

In March this year the Government announced the National Bus Strategy.

One of the requirements of the National Bus Strategy is for local authorities to have either an enhanced bus partnership or a bus franchising assessment with local bus operators.

Swindon Borough Council will improve local bus services through a formal Enhanced Bus Partnership Scheme with local bus operators.

The notice of intent shown below heralds our intention to commence this process by developing a new Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) for Swindon Borough. We will be working closely with local bus operators to further improve public transport and help secure government funding to do so.

This is in response to the Government’s new National Bus Strategy (Bus Back Better), which requires local authorities to work with operators to come up with ambitious plans to encourage more people to use local bus services.

National funding of £3 billion has been pledged by the Government to help deliver the necessary improvements across the country.

Our new Bus Service Improvement Plan will help ensure that Swindon secures a fair share of that funding.

We have until 31 October 2021 to develop and agree this BSIP with local bus operators, passenger representatives and other interested groups. We then have until 31 March 2022 to agree the organisational partnership scheme to deliver this plan.

Notice of intent to prepare an enhanced partnership plan and schemes – 30 June 2021

Swindon Borough Council gives notice of its decision to proceed with the development of an Enhanced Bus Partnership.

It is the intention for this Partnership to cover the whole of the Council’s geographical jurisdiction.

The commencement of this is confirmed through this notice of the intention to prepare a Bus Services Improvement Plan and accompanying Enhanced Bus Partnership Scheme, as required and set out in section 138F of the Transport Act 2000.

It is the intention for the Bus Services Improvement Plan to be published by 31 October 2021 and the associated Enhanced Bus Partnership Scheme to be published by 31 March 2022.

More information

Further details of this statutory national process can be found at GOV.UK:

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