New Eastern Villages (NEV) planning policy and guidance

NEV supplementary planning documents (SPDs)

Please also see the Swindon Residential Design Guide SPD webpage for further information.

NEV Planning Obligations SPD

The New Eastern Villages (NEV) is the largest strategic allocation within the adopted Swindon Borough Local Plan 2026, comprising about 8,000 new homes, 40 hectares employment, a new secondary school and primary schools, transport improvements, and retail, health, community and leisure facilities.

The SPD sets out Swindon Borough Council’s approach to securing, by planning obligations, the infrastructure required as a consequence of development in the NEV. The approach detailed seeks to achieve the effective delivery of infrastructure to enable sustainable growth at the NEV to ensure the right infrastructure is delivered in the right place, at the right time. The SPD provides more detailed advice and guidance on Local Plan Policies IN1 (Infrastructure Provision), SD3 (Development Management), NC3 (New Eastern Villages) and RA3 (South Marston). 

The documents are available to view and download below:

NEV Framework Travel Plan SPD

The SPD sets out Swindon Borough Council’s (SBC’s) approach to securing the travel plan measures required by planning obligations as a consequence of development at the NEV. The approach detailed within the SPD seeks to achieve the effective delivery of residential, workplace and educational travel plans to enable sustainable growth at the NEV, and to ensure the correct supporting transport infrastructure is delivered in the right place, at the right time.

The document is available to view and download below:

NEV Green Infrastructure SPD

The SPD seeks to provide a framework to ensure the delivery of an integrated and connected green infrastructure network and green spaces at the New Eastern Villages to support an environment where safe, healthy communities can be created. The document sets out the strengths and opportunities for a range of green infrastructure typologies that should be secured throughout the New Eastern Villages. Finally the SPD provides guidance on the delivery of strategic green infrastructure for each village to assist with formulation of masterplans for developers. 

The SPD, along with the green infrastructure masterplan, is available to view and download below:

NEV Bridge Vision SPD

The SPD sets out the vision for a cohesive network between the development islands at the New Eastern Villages where not already provided by developers. It has been produced to inform pre-application discussions and assist with the formulation of masterplans. Finally the document sets out the principles of design for the bridge structures as well as Environment Agency (EA) minimum technical requirements.

The documents are available to view and download below:

NEV Sustainable Drainage (SUDs) SPD

To ensure a cohesive approach to SuDS across the NEV development, this SPD has been produced to inform pre-application discussions and assist with the formulation of masterplans. It also provides guidance on effective design solutions for SuDS schemes to encourage current planning applications to create high-quality sustainable communities.

The document is available to view and download below:

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