New Eastern Villages (NEV) planning policy and guidance

Local Plan context

The adopted Swindon Borough Local Plan sets out the level of housing, employment and other development needs up to 2026, where this should be located, and the infrastructure that is required to enable this development to take place. 

This includes the identification of a number of strategic allocations at the ‘new communities’, including the NEV to ensure the planned growth needs are met. 

The adopted Swindon Borough Local Plan sets out the level of housing, employment and other development needs up to 2026, where this should be located, and the infrastructure that is required to enable this development to take place. 

This includes the identification of a number of strategic allocations at the ‘new communities’, including the NEV to ensure the planned growth needs are met.

The Local Plan Policies that specifically relate to the NEV development, Policies NC3 and RA3, are summarised below. The full policy wording and other relevant policies are included in the adopted Local Plan. The Local Plan should be read as a whole.

Policy NC3

The primary policy for the NEV is Local Plan Policy NC3: New Eastern Villages – including Rowborough and South Marston Village Expansion. Policy NC3 sets out the form of the NEV development as a series of new inter-connected distinct villages and an expanded South Marston village defined by the network of green infrastructure corridors.

The development shall provide (amongst other things):

  • about 6,000 dwellings (south of the A420)
  • about 1,500 dwellings (north of the A420)
  • 500 dwellings at South Marston
  • about 40ha of employment land
  • about 12,000m2 (gross) of retail floorspace
  • comprehensive community infrastructure including sports and leisure facilities, education provision, community facilities and a healthcare facility
  • high quality public realm including outdoor civic public space
  • sustainable transport links including: walking and cycle network improvements that integrate with existing networks and provide good connectivity within the development and to the surrounding area
  • a green bridge (Great Stall Bridge) across the A419 near Covingham Drive to provide for walking, cycling and public transport
  •  an extensive green infrastructure network that maximises opportunities for habitat connectivity and enhanced biodiversity including extending the River Cole green infrastructure corridor and connecting with Nightingale Wood

Policy RA3

Alongside Policy NC3, Policy RA3 - South Marston sets out the approach to delivering development at South Marston, including as part of the NEV. The policy will ensure the expansion of South Marston creates an integrated village with a distinct rural and separate identify from Swindon and other settlements.

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