Neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood planning frequently asked questions

No, a neighbourhood plan can guide development to be more appropriate to local needs and help decide where it goes, however neighbourhood plans cannot stop development.

It will be up to the Parish Council, Town Council or Forum to pay for the preparation of a neighbourhood plan. The Localism Act suggests that the business community could contribute towards the costs. The government has made grants available to groups producing neighbourhood plans or neighbourhood development orders.

The council will pay for the independent examination and referendum.

Once adopted, the neighbourhood plans will be statutory planning document. It will form part of the local development plan for Swindon and will be taken into account when planning applications are determined.

No, the decision making on planning applications is the responsibility of the Local Planning Authority. The community leads on preparing the plan and setting out the policies for development in their area but it is the Local Planning Authority that will give planning permission in accordance with those policies.

The council will have a duty to provide technical advice and support to communities which is provided in the draft neighbourhood planning protocol. It cannot control your neighbourhood plan preparation process and cannot produce a neighbourhood plan on behalf of the community. The council has a ‘duty to cooperate’ with Parish and Town Councils and Neighbourhood Forums who are preparing a plan.

The council has a duty to:

  • confirm the formal designation of a Neighbourhood Forum or an area as a neighbourhood plan area for the purposes of Neighbourhood plan making
  • co-operate with Parish Councils, Town Councils and/or Neighbourhood Forums, providing technical advice and support for the preparation of the plan
  • validate and check a plan prior to submission to the independent examination
  • pay for the independent examination
  • pay for the referendum
  • formally adopt the neighbourhood plan and bring it into force

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