Annual canvass

Questions and answers about the annual canvass 2024

By law, you are contacted every year to find out if there have been any changes to who is living at your address. If there are changes, you must provide the information requested and confirm who lives at your address. This means we can invite other eligible residents, including any 16 and 17-year-olds, to register to vote.

You should follow the instructions in the email or letter we send. You need to include the name and nationality of everyone aged 16 or over who is resident and eligible to register to vote. If there are no eligible residents, you should state why this is the case.

If anyone listed on the form is not living at your address, their name(s) should be removed. Responding to the communication only takes a few minutes.

If you have made any changes to the information on the communication, we may contact you again for further information. If you have added someone to the property they will also need to register individually to be added to the electoral register at GOV.UK.

If we have requested you to respond, then you must respond using one of the options detailed on the communication. Responding straightaway will avoid further reminders being sent and reduce costs.

No, you don’t need to return any paper communication if you have responded by another method.

We have chosen to use an email notification service to reduce costs and be more convenient for electors. We are sending emails from the email address If you do not wish to click on links in the email, you can copy and paste them into your browser.

Any email from Swindon Borough Council Electoral Services will not request information such as bank details. If you notice anything suspicious or something doesn't feel right, please contact us.

We are allowed to use your email address as per the following legislation: The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 reg 32ZBE(3).

Providing us with your email address is optional. However, we would encourage you to share your email address because it allows us to contact you quickly and in a convenient and cost-effective way. We will only send emails or use this information in connection with your electoral registration.

If you no longer wish to be contacted by email, unsubscribe by emailing with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the email subject header and quote your name and address.

We are obliged by law to use the forms provided to us by the Electoral Commission and have no control over the wording.

Yes, you should respond regarding your current address. When you move into your new property please apply to register online at GOV.UK . 

During the process you will be prompted to enter your previous address in order for us to remove your name from that address.

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