Annual canvass

Every year the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) has a legal duty to conduct an annual canvass to ensure the electoral register is accurate and up to date.

Properties where we think there are no changes

For properties where we think there are no changes to the electors registered there, we will communicate the details we hold for the property and give the option to make changes if necessary.

Please note: If we hold email addresses for electors within the property, we will send an email from commencing 16 September 2024. The email will link to the household response website where you can enter your unique security code and follow the instructions.

More than one person at the property may receive an email, but only one person needs to respond. You should respond to either confirm the information is correct or to advise us of any changes.

Please respond as soon as you receive an email. This will reduce the costs involved in sending further reminders.

If we don’t receive a response to the email or we don’t hold an email address associated with the property, we will contact you by post from 21 October 2024. This will contain a form and further instructions about what to do. 

Properties where we think there are changes

For properties where we think there are changes to the electors registered there and we do not think the information we hold is up to date, we will send a communication by post addressed to 'The Occupier' from 28 August 2024. This will ask the household to either confirm the information or advise us of any changes. 

The communication you receive will explain the different ways to respond, including the online and telephone response service. It will also contain security codes you'll need to use when you respond.

If you are not able to use any of these options, you can phone us or return the form by post.

Please respond as soon as you receive the form. This will reduce the costs involved in sending further reminders.

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