About the electoral register

Also known as the Register of Electors, the Electoral Roll and the Voters' Roll, this is a list of names and addresses of all residents who are registered to vote in the Borough of Swindon.

The law requires the Electoral Registration Officer to publish two versions of the register: known as the Full Register and Open Register of Electors.

There are no online versions of the Electoral Register provided by Swindon Borough Council.

Full register

The Full Register of Electors lists everyone who is entitled to vote. Only certain people and organisations can have copies of the full register, and they can only use it for specified purposes. These include electoral purposes, the prevention and detection of crime and checking your identity when applying for credit.

The law states who can have a copy of the full register and what they can use it for. It is a criminal offence for them to pass it on to anyone else or to use it for any other purpose.

Open register

The Open Register is available for public sale. It can be bought by anyone who asks for a copy, and can be used for any purpose. Electors can choose to ‘opt out’ of being included in the Open Register of Electors when registering to vote. If you wish to opt out of the Open Register you can call our helpline 01793 464601.

Viewing of the register

The Representation of the People Regulations 2001 limits the uses to which the register may be put.

The most recent register can be viewed by the public for research purposes at the Civic Offices and Central Library. This must be done under the supervision of a member of staff to prevents unauthorised copying or theft of all or any part of the register and ensure that only hand written notes are taken.

It is an offence to make copies of the full register, other than by handwritten notes. It is an offence to use any handwritten notes for marketing purposes.

If a member of the public would like to view previous registers they must go to the Central Library or to the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre. The addresses, contact details and opening times are listed below.

Local Studies Swindon
Central Library
Regent Circus
Tel: 01793 463238
Local Studies is open on Tuesdays between 10.00am and 4.00pm and Wednesdays between 10.00am and 4.00pm: localstudies@swindon.gov.uk
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Tel: 01793 464601
Email: elecreg@swindon.gov.uk
Access (in person)
Monday to Thursday  9.00am to 5.00pm
Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre
Cocklebury Road
SN15 3QN
Tel: 01249 705500
Email: archives@wiltshire.gov.uk
Access (in person)
Tuesday to Saturday  9.30am to 5.30pm

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