Electoral boundaries and maps

Ward boundaries

The Local Government Boundary Commission for England are currently undertaking a review of Swindon Borough Council’s warding arrangements.

The review page contains links to useful guidance and maps of the current wards.

Views can be submitted by 18 March 2024 via the review page.

Alternatively, you can email: reviews@lgbce.org.uk or send by post to:

Review Officer (Swindon)
PO Box 133
NE24 9FE

Parliamentary boundaries

The Boundary Commission for England concluded their review of parliamentary constituencies and the recommendations were approved by Parliament.

Swindon Borough will be split across three constituencies (East Wiltshire, Swindon North and Swindon South).

Further details can be found at Boundary Commission for England.

You can also view a map of the borough and parish council boundaries.

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